The ancient-looking, simple wooden gate (with a small door) of Eton College at Windsor. Just by looking at this door, you wouldn't think that this is the same door that Princes Harry and William passed through as students at Eton. As far as we know, the wooden gate is off-limits to visitors of Eton. Two Pinoy postgrads and I ended up in front of this gate during a day tour at Windsor because the visitors' entrance was already closed. Lesson: Don't judge a school by its door:-)
But hey, the door was open so I ventured inside and here's what I got: a photo of the school's courtyard! Sayang, Sabado kaya walang students hanging around. Lesson: Don't hesitate to enter open doors. You'll never know what you're gonna find!:-)
A 'Book Passage' at Hay-on-Wye, the only book town in the world. Too bad I didn't check it when I went there for a day tour so I have no idea what it's like inside. I felt there were plenty of other bigger and nicer bookshops to visit I decided to skip this one. Lesson: Don't miss the chance to look around and explore interesting-looking passages or walkways. There's more to life than reading books, anyway:-)
French door of a hotel room overlooking Chao Phraya River in Bangkok. I think that the best kind of door is a French door as it serves both as a window and as a door. Depending on your mood, you can either enjoy the view while inside your room, or push that glass door and be out in the sun. Well, a door is what you make of it;-)
Ehehehehe... That Eton wooden door looked really old. Imbag man ta haan nga naanay? =)
Hi Layad,
Thanks for dropping by. Hahaha! Wen garud. Natibker pay met piman. Adda siguro inkabil da nga anti-anay coating.
See you around:-)
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